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ill be honest i really dont like ellie


ig you just have to drown them in gifts it is day fifteen of give santana flowers and SHE WILL NOT GO ON A DATE WITH ME LIKE DO YOU WANT TO DROWN IN FLOWERS GIRL LIKE WTF

ISHAHSOH I LOVE STAN SO MUCH and was he by any chance a reference to gravity falls? (Stan Ford)



guys when i choose to be a Gurl imma date 5 guys or those guurls??

just realized why the squirrels give you money :(

(its to keep quiet about what happens at night)

so no UCD but UCM is included... guess I won't be playing then :(


Keep checking the Cafe and see what you find! :D


so i know 7 of the 9 endings are when you date the 5 girls and the 2 guys, but what are the other 2 endings?

spoiler warning:

one of the endings is when you choose to buy a bouncy castle and the other ending is when you choose to break ucl up (either through tommy trojan hacking the governor or through the dance fundraiser option)


yeah tbh i wasn't sure what i was thinking when i wrote that in lol it was probably 4 am 


kelley 🔛🔝‼


Hahah bobo's very normal adventures i wonder why that sounds very familiar. And i also like the game


I Love Ellie

she's so kind... cute... and her outfit colors are my fav colors..... and she uses pigtails.... why... is she so adorable.....


my first ending was Tommy's ending, I got it on day 35 and 3 dates in total.

Ellie= 2 kawaii

I just wanted Santana, is that too much to ask for....

messed up the date 3 times but still got the guy to go to the dance with me ;)


Irene was the best one out of all of em in my opinion <333


Ok pogchamp (I'm sorry)

Lol thats funny

(1 edit) (+3)

Ummmmmm totally didn't fail the cafe thing... or spend 4 hours trying to date Irene...

Where's UCSC and UCSD ;(

Nice game regardless.


We weren't able to add them as romanceable characters, but they do make cameos in game! UCSC has a chance to appear in the garden and UCSD has a chance to appear in the shop :) Thank you for playing!


Save data got wiped after my first playthrough :(

But nice game regardless! Played through it a few times before the full release and the new additions are nice.


Thanks for letting us know! We just fixed the issue! :D


Hi! Wasn't sure how best to contact you, but thought you might like to know that Esports at UC Davis is planning to play UC Love tomorrow on stream from around 1-4pm! We're being featured on a women in gaming channel so we'll be streaming there instead of our normal channel. I'll be producing the stream and in chat tomorrow, hope to see you there!

tomorrow's stream:

normal streams:

Awesome, I'll be there! :D


I wanna date Davina NOW!!!!!!!! She's SOOOOOO HOT!!!


this game is so cute I'm obsessed great job to to the developers :)


Thank you so much!! <333


ohh this game is so cute #NUMBERONEKELLYFAN



I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH!! So so proud of you guys. <3


Hi I am really enjoying this game! just buy the way in the Stan path, after the dance and you talk to stan in the plaza the game has been freezing and does not complete

when playing for Ellie (ucla) there where no issues. But for riveria, the game has been crashing after her date

Deleted 2 years ago

Thank you for playing the game! We're so glad you're enjoying it! We just pushed a new build that fixes the issues you described! If you downloaded UCL, please download the latest version for the fix! Thank you so much for letting us know! :) <3


How do we actually date the girls? Am buying gifts and ask them but keep getting turned down

(1 edit)

Hey, thanks for playing! So there are basically relationship "tiers" for the girls. Once your relationship moves up two "tiers" you'll be able to ask someone out for a date. You need to get to the next tier after that to ask to the dance. You'll know when you've moved up a tier because the girl will start acting more friendly toward you when you talk to them.

The reason the system is like that is that we wanted to have a more realistic sense of when the right time to ask someone out is, rather than just the game telling you when you're allowed.


Ah... yeah, apparently to woo girls you just spam them with gifts... eventually I figured it out lol.


Also, Irene kept promising to take us for ramen, but we always ended up getting pasta.... hahaha. 


I honestly really enjoyed this game.

How do i make or is there a way to make money in android version?

nevamind, just finished the game with kelly ending..

Does it still get updated?

Since the Android version does not support the minigames (and has them hidden), the amount of money you earn thru random encounters in the Garden is buffed.

To answer your second question, @kiwinunu and I are working on an expansion, but it's been a slow process because of internships + school. Make sure to follow because I'll post an update once it's finished!

Yesyes :) The only way that you can earn money on the Android version at the moment is to take a walk in the garden for a random chance at earning money. We may try to improve this in the future. We're also hard at work patching bugs and adding a new love interest ;) 

ok, wish you guys the best, hope the game will expand much more.


I was playing this game for Kelly until the end I realized I was actually playing for Bear Box when I bought that bouncy castle I knew I made the right choice

yesyes he is a homewrecker <3 

Its a nice game but i cant continue after the intro since when it brings me to the and map it doesn't do anything


We just uploaded a new build that should fix the map!